Thursday, 21 February 2008


I'm sooooo looking forward to our trip to Cornwall. I can't describe it! Just being back in England, I think, will make it brilliant to begin with.

I've been to the "South" before. I was in Norfolk and it was preeetttyyyyyy! No, really it was perfect. Those little places on the coast... ahhh!

I've been watching Stephen Fry's Kingdom and I can't stop. It's not that it is something super-special. It's just feeding into my mood. He is playing a solicitor in a fictional town in Norfolk ... and it is beautiful. Apart from the lovely scenery, it has these local characters and stories in it, which just makes it that bit more hilarious. The storyline that connects the episodes is the apparent suicide of the main character's brother and the mystery surrounding it. The whole thing is rounded off by the mentally instabil and eccentric sister, who just got herself released from an institution to go back and live with her brother...

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

An Energy Drink Broke My Metatarsal

That would be todays headline, if I was writing for "love it"!

And actually there is an "almost" missing, but that wouldn't have sounded half as dramatic!

Now, what happened: Well, I'm testing this "energy" drink at the moment. And I opened one of the packages containing 4 bottles. Being me I ripped the whole thing open and the bottles went everywhere... one dropping directly on my right foot. Now, it's not a big bottle, but the free fall added to its impact and I swear it was aiming directly at my metatarsal! It HURT!

Now imagine if I was a famous footballer and the bottle had indeed broken my metatarsal ... in my right foot. How dramatic ... and unglamorous!

But back to the real me, am I able to sue them? I mean this packaging is kinda dangerous ... so it is definitly their fault! This could pay for all my living expenses for ... forever. I could be a kept woman ... without the old rich husband!

And I wouldn't just do a service to myself ... no, it would be a service to mankind. I could save us from a nation ... no, wait ... a planet of broken metatarsals!

Monday, 18 February 2008

In English Please

It's time to talk about another one of my obsessions... this time the most "secret" one.

I've just secured two tickets for me and the other girl in this secret society, so that we can go and see the pretty boy together with Nick Hornby in a few weeks time. We are very excited... I mean Nick Hornby AND our pretty boy! Now all we'd need would be for Hugh Grant to turn up too, but then we might not like where this could be going as he recently developed a habit of going to student parties and picking up girls half his age... but then, ehhh...

Nah, but I do like that the tickets promise us a party after the book part of the evening... I might have to bring forward my hair appointment ... *joking* (okay, maybe I am serious).

Anyway, so I was just randomly looking for our secret obsession on youtube and what can I say, it's brilliant. There is this movie he'll be in that they shot in Germany but in English and I found this diary ... and oh my, it's so funny how they all try to speak English ... embaressing at times, but all in all endearing and heart-warming.

One of my favourite moments in this clip occurs at around 1.37 when the director suddenly says in German:

"Klaus, was is'n das für'ne Optik da oben?"

and then...

"Matthias! Komm mit mir mein Süßer!"

ahhhhhh! brilliant! and M. totally ignores the "advances" and says "Oh my God it's freezing..."

also note one of the Fiennes brothers, who we remember being "hated" by Colin Firth for always getting the girls in his movies... wait a second, was that really so? anyway, that's all the Fiennes brothers will ever be for me!

another classic in the end, when the director freaks out by M. walking through the rain.

brilliant... it feels like if I would ever do a movie in English, the making of would be just as ... awkward:

Bless his heart! Makes me love him even more!

and if you wanna cringe some more...


Saturday, 16 February 2008

Order, Oh-oh-order

Brilliant news at the factory this week. I passed my politics exam with flying colours ... meaning this weeks exam and the December Depression exam.

Now there is a LOT of unused knowledge occupying my head... this weeks showdown was quite easy and in no way required the intense preparation that I put in it (so i'm glad I didn't put even more work in).

I so dived into the whole British Party System topic that I ended up going to bed @ 4am 3 nights in a row, because I couldn't stop reading about Tony, Gordon and Co. ... and I even dreamt about Gordon. Not in a naughty way though ... which actually at that point wouldn't have surprised me at all.

Now, as I couldn't really share my detailed knowledge during the exam, I will do it here. As I already did a fun facts post on James "Gordon" Brown some time back at the old factory, please bear with me, if not all of the info is new to you.

11 Things I Would Have Loved To Share At The Exam

1) Gordon was part of a special school experiment, which enabled him to finish school 2 years early and he enrolled at uni at just 16. (Damn he really IS intelligent!) Anyway, he didn't like that whole thing, saying it was too much too soon.

2) Being just 16 and having just enrolled at uni, he was having problems with his eyes because he repeatedly got kicked in the head while playing rugby. He had to lie in a darkened room for weeks at a time... this dark period in his so young life apparently made him so determined.

3) While he was treated for his eye in the hospital, every night the patients got a free drink … NHS!

4) He not just became Rector at Edinburgh University while he was still a student there, no, he swept to power with a campaign boosted by three mini-skirted fans, The Brown Sugars, who accompanied him to photo opportunities in "Gordon for me" T-shirts. (I know I would have...)

5) "He would hold his tutorials in his flat over a couple of cans of beer. He held all sorts of parties. He had loads of friends from all different backgrounds. People were diving into bedrooms and smoking joints. He never indulged, but there was nothing disapproving about him either."

6) He and Tony Blair met in the 80ies when they shared a tiny office with no window.

7) In 1994 they did a deal about the leadership. If Gordon supported Tony, Tony would let him have a great deal of control over home politics and step down soon-ish to let Gordon take-over as Prime Minister.

8) Blair allies would complain that the chancellor would keep the details of his Budgets from Mr Blair until the last possible moment and "go missing" when the prime minister needed his public support. (hihi...)

9) Matthew Taylor, Mr Blair's former policy chief, said staff felt like "children in a dysfunctional relationship where mum and dad are too busy arguing to ever talk to the kids". Whenever things got out of hand, Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott would host a reconciliation dinner with Blair and Brown at his grace and favour apartment at Admiralty Arch.

10) Gordon's reluctance to talk about his private life even sparked rumours he was gay. Now he is married with children.

11) And if you wanna know how it all REALLY happened, go have a look at TONY! The Blair Musical ...

While doing all my research, I re-discovered the fun that is "Prime Minister's Questions". Channelling my inner Simon Amstell I have to say "This is not a football match!"

... but, in a waaayyyy, it is!

And I like the referee: Mr. Speaker! The way he tries to keep control: "Order, Oh-oh-order!"

and it gets worse for the Prime Minister:

now there I was channelling my inner Sebastian...

btw: apparently the Prime Minister was based on Tony Blair AND Sebastian on Peter Mandelson ...

Friday, 8 February 2008

Surprisingly Chilled

that's how I feel concerning Project Finish this time around.

My next exam is on Tuesday and though I have done a lot less for this one than for the other 3 before, I have to say, I'm disturbingly calm.

My head is a bit full with fun facts concerning the British Party System, but there is no panic... yet.

Seems December really was jinxed!