Thursday, 3 April 2008

A Good Deed In The Name of Fizzy Happiness

I like fizzy drinks and in the past I've often been seen clutching a Coca Cola bottle like a baby while watching TV ... it's not consciously ... it's just to keep it close and so that I don't have to lean over to get it every now and then, coz I'm lazy... so I simply secure it by putting my arm around it. Nothing wrong with that!

When I walked down the street to my home earlier this week - with another one of my "passions" in my hand ... cheeseburgers - 2 girls approached me. I'd say they were maybe 11, but I'm horrible at guessing age. Anyway, they held a big bottle of some cheap Fanta substitute out to me and asked:

"Could you open this for us please? We can't get it open."

Now, I do remember the times when I was a kid and I regularly couldn't open fizzy drink bottles coz I wasn't strong enough and thus had been denied satisfying my sudden urge for sweet fizzy liquid until an adult could help out ... so of course I put down my new giant Primark handbag and my cheeseburgers and reached out for the bottle. And then it flashed through my mind

What if this a laborate plan to mug me and steal my beloved bag, money and burgers?

I looked at the girls ... first of all they were girls and then I thought

Don't be silly, you've seen these violent girl teen gangs on TV.

luckily the girls didn't look anything like the violent asbo-tastic chicks on TV... no, they looked nice and proper. And then secondly we were in Friedrichshain ... it's not exactly known for its criminal teenage girls.

But we are standing at a cross-road. They can run in any direction. And I'm slow.
Okay, calm down, you're paranoid.

So I tried to open the bottle, while they were looking at me eagerly ... and I was pacified, I knew the look ... they were waiting for their fizzy fix.

And then I could feel the pressure in the bottle building up ... it made a noise and they were like "OHHH"...

Ohh, NO! Maybe this has been their plan all along! They wanted to get someone random getting soaked in a sticky fizzy mess!

I didn't proceed with the opening and looked up at them

"Did you shake the bottle?"

They looked at me appalled ...

"No, we just couldn't open it. We weren't strong enough ..."

I could see they weren't lieing. And their "Ohhh" had simply been excitement about me being able to open the bottle. So I turned the cap further and the pressure actually disappeared. I opened the bottle fully , smiled and handed it back to them...

They took it, smiled and thanked me, turned around and happily walked down the street chatting away to one another looking like two innocent angels dressed in rose and pink.

I caught myself still smiling, picked up my bag and burgers and entered the corner bakery thinking how I had just done a good deed and helped out some girls who shared my love for fizzy drinks. Thinking about how paranoid I had been, I told myself, that in most other parts of Berlin, I would have been robbed and that I should be happy this didn't take place in Lily Allen's LDN!

It made me very happy about where I live ... and what made me happy too was that the kids had used an informal way of addressing me and didn't treat me like I was an old woman which had happened at Bristol airport when a mother told her child

"Sit down next to that woman"

That's so something that should only be said about someone who is past 35... to kids I should still be a girl.
So I was very happy about the fizzy drink angels.

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