Monday, 14 April 2008

The Red Lights Gone Out

The brothel across the street from where I live is no more.

It had been there since I moved in 5 and a half years ago. I remember how I was convinced that it was some harmless funky Berlin nightclub and my Mom was like: "No, it's a brothel!"

To my defense: back in the day they had no red lights outside ... they just had some colourful christmas lights. But of course it turned out to be brothel ... as I could regularly see men go inside and young asian women stand outside every now and then.

I'm feeling quite nostalgic now it's so suddenly gone.

No more watching business men walking in there between 10 and 11am and thus no more wondering if breakfast or early lunch break really is a good time to have paid sex with a stranger. No more being woken up by some drunk homeless guy knocking on the door and yelling like crazy when he is not let in at 2 in the morning. No more shaking my head at groups of drunk boys taking pictures of each other in front of the door laughing loudly late on a Saturday night.

Sometime last week I look out of my window and see that the blinds are open (they never were before), the red lights are gone and there is a big sign saying that the place is for rent. Weird!

There are so many questions left unanswered ... I'll never find out if they just moved or if they got busted for something illegal.

And now one of my more serious Plan Bs is no more! The miaudonna and me always planned to take pictures of the men when they came out and then blackmail them. Guess I'll have to find a real job after uni...


Anonymous said...

Oh no! I wanted to earn some extra money there, how could I miss that it's closed now?!... maybe we should just open a strip club there?!? to prepare for vegas.

Anonymous said...

maybe the puff has just moved somewhere else? how can we find out???

Anonymous said...

I don't know... Google?

I like the strip club idea and then we could expand to Vegas! We could have a whole chain of strip clubs...

Anonymous said...

yeah, great idea... stripclub berlin with außenstelle: vegas!!!

Anonymous said...

but of course we would stay in Vegas... hihi!

anyway, I again wanna say how shocked I am about the insane amount of brothels and massage parlours that google search brought up for our area... I had no idea!

and sorry but naming call boys Sven, Manuel, Michael and Ronny ... is not really gonna get them business!