Thank you young and minority America for voting for Obama. It goes with the flow of things. And yeah, thank god for the internet...
here is the song that has occupied my head for over a week now
btw: this is the first ever twin post with La Bonette... coz it's just sooo catchy!
The other clip I've watched over and over again since before the silly answer machine Russell/Wossy-scandal, is that brilliant Viddycast with Simon which also features Dita, Noel Gallagher, Pete Waterman (not Dennis... as I thought for days... stupid me) AND Wossy...
awww... aren't they adorable in the end? Good times! And now? Russell is gone, Jonathan's suspended till January and Simon has to hide away a pre-recorded Buzzcocks episode that features Mr. Brand until everyone gets their knickers out of a twist.
And then there is someone who wants to say HELLO ... it's Vegas! My new lovely computer. And hang on, someone else is shouting over too... it's lovely littly Stardust ... my new iPod ... yeah he's named after the old Vegas hotel which is no more ... and as my mate Robbie used to say "The iPod brought me back to music." A wise man that Robbie, but then of course he has to be... I mean what with all the alien connections he has!
Now you might all wonder why the factory girl is suddenly speaking chinese. That's not just because Vegas and Stardust travelled to me from Shanghai, no, I got mail from Hongkong today, coz I ordered clothing for Vegas and Stardust from there via ebay UK. It's so exciting ... a big envelope with crazy bird stamps on it ... awww! I'm in love with all of it! So I am grateful ... xie xie!
I just watched the Gary Barlow Band perform at the EMAs in Liverpool... ahhh memories! But why they let Kerry Katona onto the stage is a big mystery to me.
Damn this is a quite random post, but there is one last gem, I've got for you... this man sang this song on the public transport for me today and tried to sell me his CD for 2 Euros ...
What a song. Berlin, I heart u more than...New York City.
yeah... and he seems to be doing this business for quite a few years now... with the same old song.
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