Thursday 3 July 2008

Finally, A TV Show That Uses Seal Songs Rightfully

The penultimate stage of Project Finish is in full swing and will be done and dusted on Monday. I got into a little panic this morning, coz it's still sooo much to do... but I guess I'll be able to do it.

It's been a few quite frustrating weeks again... but to amuse myself I've been watching the new season of Big Brother UK. It's soooo much better than ours. And I don't care what people say, I love it! Which is down to a combination of me wanting to live in England and thus being able to visit it every evening, the accents and just watching people totally lose it in a confined environment... it has taught me quite a few things about myself already I think... hehe!

This week housemates had to do a zoo task... the highlight was the two house bitches deciding to be the two seals for the task. Every time the song "Kiss from a Rose" by Seal was played into the house, they had to get on their podiums in the garden and the zoo keeper had to splash them with a bucket of water... fishy water (now here is a TV show that rightfully uses a Seal song and not like GNTM where Seal continuosly performs his music which embaressingly just seems to please Heidi, while everyone else is cringing)! The task went on for 2 days ... priceless!

Just have a little look at it...


Don't call me a bad person now... those two chicks went on that show for the fame and being able to sell stories to Heat magazine for the next years to come... so they don't really deserve any pity!

The best costume EVER is this though...

I wish I'd have this costume here and could wear it for my exam on Monday. That would cheer me up immensely! Just the look on everyones face from the underground train to my professor when a pink flamingo walks in!

Okay, I think I might be losing it...

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