Thursday 21 February 2008


I'm sooooo looking forward to our trip to Cornwall. I can't describe it! Just being back in England, I think, will make it brilliant to begin with.

I've been to the "South" before. I was in Norfolk and it was preeetttyyyyyy! No, really it was perfect. Those little places on the coast... ahhh!

I've been watching Stephen Fry's Kingdom and I can't stop. It's not that it is something super-special. It's just feeding into my mood. He is playing a solicitor in a fictional town in Norfolk ... and it is beautiful. Apart from the lovely scenery, it has these local characters and stories in it, which just makes it that bit more hilarious. The storyline that connects the episodes is the apparent suicide of the main character's brother and the mystery surrounding it. The whole thing is rounded off by the mentally instabil and eccentric sister, who just got herself released from an institution to go back and live with her brother...


Anonymous said...

Jealous, jealous, jealous! I wanna go to the kingdom as well. Till then I have to watch lots of Rosamunde-P.-movies. Nothing to be jealous of.

Anonymous said...

maybe next time we go, you can join us...